
Just a girl from Western Massachusetts who decided to go live on the other side of the planet for awhile.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Rosé Wednesday

Hello hello!
I'm loving life in New Zealand!

I was a bit worried when I left the States (and my iPhone) behind for a place where I didn't know a soul, that my new phone wouldn't ring for weeks, but the transition has been smooth and I already have a lot of friends here.

I've been out a few nights and Wellington is wild. Drinks are really expensive but my kiwi roommate just started as a bartender in town at the Big Kumara and I'm hoping eventually she'll hook me up ;)
Her club has the cheapest drinks regardless.

Here is me breaking it down:

Here is me wearing a sombrero:

My kiwi roommate Sophie is really cool. She hasn't been here much since it's her first week on the job and she works 8:00PM to some crazy hour of the morning and ends up sleeping at her friend Cloe's flat which is closer. She doesn't know if she's keeping the job however, since it takes up so much of her time.

Yesterday I went to the Zoo with a few friends. It was raining off and on so I didn't take too many pictures in fear of ruining my camera.. but it was a really well set up zoo with a lot of cool animals that you could get really close to! My favorite was the Lion. So majestic.
We were hoping to see a Kiwi bird (finally) but they're nocturnal and their display was weirdly dark and creepy. Also from the information we received from a sign, 1:00PM was the only time the kiwi was presented and we had missed it. We all still have our fingers crossed to see one, but apparently kiwi birds are VERY hard to catch a glimpse of. Even Andrew, a kiwi who has lived New Zealand all of his 19 years, has never seen one "in the flesh."

Today Alexis, my roommate Emily and I went to the Te Papa museum. I saw the colossal squid!! The only one presented to the public in the world! Wild. There was some good stuff it there but we kind of just browsed pretty quickly. I'll be back.

Tomorrow after I get my books and ID card in the morning I plan on stopping in a bookstore to get a copy of the Lonely Planet New Zealand book and start planning my spring break. I originally planned on going to Fiji, but after finding out the cost of traveling around the South Island, I figured I can't do both, and I definitely want to travel around NZ as much as I can, so I'm going to focus on that.

OH and I had my first New Zealand latte!! It's different ordering coffee here and I was intimidated for awhile but I mustered up the courage and it was worth it. It was delicious.

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