I spent the first half of the day hanging out in Verve, a really cool cafe that offers FREE INTERNET. Free anything is rare in New Zealand, and not only is
Tried my first "flat white" while I was there. It's about time. I've been avoiding weird New Zealand coffee but I finally decided I needed to see what the difference was between a flat white and a latte. I found out that there is none. (Not unless you believe there is a difference between macrofoam and microfoam)
I got a bowl of fries with aioli and tomato sauce, too. Their aioli did not impress me though, I must say. So far Fergburger still has the best aioli I've come across.
I left Verve and took the cable car up to class at 3:30. After my 50 minute lecture I basically ran home and Alexis Sara and I set out to sneak into the Katy Perry concert. It proved to be harder than expected. When we realized we wouldn't be able to sneak in a back door, we waited around for some scalpers to see what the going rates would be, but didn't see any. I guess no one wanted to part with their precious Katy Perry tickets. Sara gave up and walked home and Alexis and I went to American-themed restaurant/bar "Chicago" to create plan B over a beer. Little did we know, inside the bar something incredible was occuring: the Red Sox game was on. Strangest/coolest experience of the day. Even Alexis, a Yankees fan, was excited to see it on. That is either a testament to how long it's been since we've seen an American sport on TV, or to how crappy of a Yankees fan Alexis really is. We watched innings 8-11 and headed back out to give the Katy Perry show another go.
We couldn't get in but we did find a balcony-type area behind the arena with a door that you could hear through pretty well, and we camped out there and enjoyed the concert for free. Sara came back and we all had a good time. Once during the show a man opened the door and came out to answer a cell phone call. I saw inside and there were plenty of open seats. We asked if he would let us in but he wouldn't. In retrospect we should have pulled him out, ran in, and shut the door behind us. We would have been ON the stage. We're too polite I guess.
After the show we waited to see Katy make her exit, and she did, in a SUV with totally tinted out windows. We were all pretty unimpressed. There was only about 40 people out back waiting for her, all spread out, just chilling. It's not like she was in danger of causing a riot or anything. The least she could have done was roll the window down and wave.
Anyway, we walked away feeling satisfied. We didn't get in but we experienced enough of the concert to enjoy it. AND we didn't have to fork over hundreds of dollars for it like other people did.
Tomorrow Sara and I plan to actually purchase some tickets for a concert for a band called Cut Copy that's happening at the end of May. I've really never heard of the band, but Sara played me a few songs and I can tell it will be a fun show. I'm really excited, actually.
Until next time! Cheers.
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