My week went well as usual. Classes were alright, creative writing was awesome, did some shopping (more like browsing), and a lot of walking.
St. Patty's was on Thursday and it was okay. I had a pretty good time and it was fun to finally be able to go out with my roommate Sophie, since she's usually working, but we got stuck in the Big K because it was raining and the line for Molly Malone's (obviously the place you'd want to be on St. Patrick's day) was really long and my friends didn't want to stand in it. I tried to make the best of the night anyway, but when I saw two Kiwi guys wearing Celtics jerseys and got excited and told them I was from Massachusetts. They were less than impressed and were extremely and unnecessarily rude. Just the icing on the cake for that night. We headed home after that.
Friday night I hung out with Boo and we got awesome fish and chips on Aro Street. After stuffing ourselves, we headed to a flatwarming party at my buddy's house which was a good time.
And that brings us to today which was Saturday, and what a great Saturday it was. I woke up at 9:00 and hopped on a bus with Sara and Alexis to go to the beach. They had their

I carved my initials into a driftwood tree, checking off one of the things on my to-do list while being here in New Zealand.
Some other things I just wanted to mention:
-Guys bring flowers on dates here in New Zealand. All. The. Time.
I saw it happening for the first time and thought it was the cutest thing ever. I saw it happening for the second time and I thought it was the cutest thing ever. I saw it happening a bunch more times and still thought it was the cutest thing ever, but I've come to realize it's just what you do on a date here in NZ. Not just for special occasions! I like it!
-The US is scary.
In my creative writing class we got on the topic of California, and a few Kiwis agreed that they hadn't seen much of CA, but what they had seen of it was the airport, and they were terrified. "The policemen had guns!!!" .... .... Yep. They did. That seems totally normal to me, but policemen don't carry guns here in NZ. No one carries a gun here in NZ. No one even owns a gun here in NZ. (Brendan is your mind blown yet?) My mom told me before I left that Wellington was on list of safest cities in the world. I bet New Zealand in general is just the safest place in the world. It feels like that at least. People don't own guns, there aren't any dangerous animals, no deadly bugs, no snakes at all! No wonder everyone is so relaxed.
So tomorrow is Sunday and I think I'm taking a solo train ride adventure. Just hoppin' on some train at the trailway station down the street and exploring some other place for the day. It's only $13 for a full day pass to ride the train to and from as many places as you want as many times as you want. I'm in.
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