
Just a girl from Western Massachusetts who decided to go live on the other side of the planet for awhile.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Windy Welly

Welcome to March everyone! I've been here all day!

So I guess the first two weeks of my stay here in Wellington had "exceptionally nice" weather, so it has come back down to average, which is still nice, but it's very very windy. I almost got knocked over on the way to class today, honest. I still wore shorts and a short sleeved shirt and was hot by the end of the walk to campus though. I love summer in March!

Did my weekly grocery shopping today and picked up, drum roll please: ... STEAK!

Not only was this the real dinner I've made myself in New Zealand, it was the first steak dinner I've EVER made in my life. I was a vegetarian for five and a half years and completely missed out on the 'learning how to grill and cook meat' stage of life. They came out pretty well done... whoops. They were good though! ..and of course the zucchini I made to go with it was cooked to perfection :) I was so excited. My flat (I'm trying to use kiwi words when I can) smelled so good and it was so fun to cook.

Here is my competed meal:
The Pinot Gris didn't go with the meal at all but I still felt fancy drinking wine with my steak dinner.

Other than my exciting dinner, things have been a bit low key the past few days.. probably because classes started.
Everyone keeps asking me "how are classes?!?!" but it's only been two days and I've only been to two classes. My consensus so far is this: Nothing too thrilling, but there is definitely potential. I'm not worried about the work load. I kick ass at writing papers (which are a huge chunk of my grade in every class) and I actually think I prefer having one GIGANTIC, IMPORTANT test at the end rather than scattering smaller exams all over my semester. I'm pretty confident.

This is my schedule:
It's blurry but it'll do. The lectures (called "papers" here) are short and only meet a few times a week, but then there are the "tutorials" where the large class is split into smaller groups for more one on one time with the lecturers. I'm pretty happy with my schedule. I didn't have a choice, really. Those were the only classes I was approved for. I usually try and get my classes done in the morning but I'm always up for a change :)

Everyone stay calm! It was tiny. I just ran around my hall and everyone is out of their rooms like "!!!!!!!"
What an experience! What an experience to have just as I'm writing in my blog and can report it immediately! To calm down my mother (if that is even possible) my RA just told us that Stafford Hall is one of the safest buildings to be in in Wellington during an earthquake. Stafford, Parliament, the Library, and Te Papa museum. Plus I'm fearless. Everything is okay.

Well now I'm too excited to write anything else. Until next time!

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