It was a rainy gloomy Easter yesterday and it's a rainy gloomy Anzac day today.
Anzac day is: a national day of remembrance in Australia and New Zealand, and is commemorated by both countries on 25 April every year to honour members of the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC) who fought at Gallipoli in Turkey during World War I. It now more broadly commemorates all those who died and served in military operations for their countries. Anzac Day is also observed in the Cook Islands, Niue, and Tonga. -Wikipedia
So everything is closed. Again. It's illegal to be open on Good Friday, Easter, and (until after 1) on Anzac day. I guess it's been a good thing, though: eliminating the temptation of spending money. That being said: There was not much to do in Nelson on Good Friday. I ate breakfast and wandered around. Tim and I took a 45 minute walk to the beach and it was worth it to see a bunch of cute dogs playing. I miss my pup!
Friday night I made friends with a couple guys staying in the same hostel as me and we tried to find places to go out to, but of course everything was either closed or had weird rules about selling drinks. We found somewhere for them to get dinner though and hung out and it was pretty fun.
I took an uncomfortable, packed bus to Picton on Saturday and got on the ferry back to Wellington. The ferry was nothing special. It could have been I guess if I explored it more. It's huge. I just wanted to get home and change into some clean clothes at that point though.
Yesterday was Easter and it was nothing special. I hung out with Alexis and we ate lots of Easter candy that she was sent by her Aunt and Uncle. We couldn't even go out and buy anything to make a nice dinner because everything was closed. Allie, who is a friend of my roommate Emily from home, was in Wellington last night, though! She's studying in Australia and is traveling in New Zealand for her break. Since nothing was open I offered her and her friends to come chill with me and mine at the Stafford house and it was pretty fun :)

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