I guess the fact that I haven't been updating too much lately, and when I do it really isn't too exciting, reveals that yes, I am here to actually study abroad and I have been pretty busy with work lately. I've stayed in the past couple weekends to save money and do homework! Ahh! No fun! I only have one more week of class though before my glorious two week adventure break. Booked my bungee jumping today!!
So they finally posted up the Final Exam schedule, and it looks like I'll be heading back to the States earlier than I thought. My last exam is on June 11th, so instead of chillin' out (literally because it's gonna be cold here by then) in Wellington with no money for three weeks after that, I'm probably going to get my flight changed so I can get back to that good old tobacco farm and start makin' some money. It's bittersweet. It's gonna be good to be home but super sad that my big adventure is over. I gonna make the best of these last two months and go home with no regrets and nothing but happiness!
I would write more about my weekend but I've been sitting at this computer for literally days slaving over a New Zealand Literature paper and I'm a little bit sick of typing. I thought I finished it, too, but my kiwi roommate just informed me that if there is a word count, you have to be within 200 words of it or you automatically get points deducted. So even though I got my point across in 1700 words, I need to write some fluff to fill another 100!!! Brilliant!
I haven't been good about keeping my camera with me at all times and I've been kicking myself for it, but I'll leave you with a picture I took last night after dinner with Alexis and Sara by the harbor... when I DID remember it.
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